Saturday 20 January 2018

Identify ways to reduce your time during Hiring

Need to look at the recruitment process, to know the reason for delay. There are a lot of factors to cause delay, like; due to, poor or late response to the job advertisement or taking a lot of time to follow up on the applications or due to administration work. Try and note the time taken between each stage of the recruitment process. Like, the time taken between job advertisement and the applications you receive from the first lot of candidates. Then the resumes received and telephonic interview, also, between the telephonic interview and face to face or personal interview. And, lastly, between personal interview and the salary package offered by the company.  Keeping a check, will help you in noticing if any stage of the recruitment process is taking a long time compare to the time it should take. 

Identify ways to reduce your time during hiring.

What you would like to achieve?
Once you’re clear which stage of the recruitment process, you should be focusing on, then, it is for you to set a goal that is realistic and achievable.
Like, in case, you are taking several days to follow up with the candidates, you need to reduce the number of days, based on your goals. 
It is very important to check your goals and understand if it is, achievable and realistic. In case, your goals are too easy or too tough, you can think of reassessing your goals.

Simplify the process
The main cause for a lengthy or long recruitment process is slow, outdated and manual system. It is vital to make sure all your tasks are simple and easy for your entire team. It is a great idea, to centralize and simplify the recruitment process. A proper process can ease away, the cumbersome administration work, related to recruitment; this will give you a lot of time, to follow up with the applications and discuss with the candidates. When, the entire Human Resources team uses the similar system, it leads to uniformity and competence in the recruitment process. 

Measuring and reporting the progress
It’s crucial to measure the progress. There is recruitment software to keep a check on the progress, regular checks means seeing results or readjusting the recruitment strategy.

Now a question might arise how to acquire employees on contractual basis it can be done via outsourcing Recruitment Agency?. Adler Talent Solutions. Is best for providing contractual employees as they provide employees on the basis of requirements of a company’s profile and description. The best possible Manpower is what we will provide you with! S what are you waiting for just Contact Us

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