Saturday 17 February 2018

Market Mapping can help the recruitment process in many ways.

With the help of market mapping, you can address all challenges before the recruitment process. Market mapping is useful in the Recruitment process.

Market Mapping can help the recruitment process in many ways.

Need to understand who your ideal candidate is

It is very important to understand the important qualities and skills; you would like the candidate to have. To understand, you need to identify the star performers in the organization and what are the qualities that have made them good performers or a good fit. With the help of all this, you can gradually, build the profile of the candidate, this can help in hiring the candidate you’re looking for.

Do a research of the role
You need to understand the role or position that you plan to recruit for, websites can be used, to give a picture, of the salary expected by candidates, with similar role, the qualification required by the role and any expectations, like flexible working hours, etc. This will help in building an ideal package that can be offered at the right time.

Pool of talented candidates
You should utilize all the gathered information, then, get ready to move forward and to start building a pool of talented candidates. The most brilliant tool for pool talent is LinkedIn. With the help of paid recruiter account, the candidate’s details can be saved and later, track the candidate, whenever they plan to move to another role or are searching for a new job. It’s always good, to keep a watch on some specific candidates, who may not be the right candidate now, but, may turn out to be, the right candidate in the future. You can maintain a spreadsheet, with candidate details. Keeping a track of candidates is not easy; you should opt for, Application Tracking System to load all the information. As the list gets bigger, you can select the right candidate, who is suitable for your organization. You can choose the best.

It is crucial, to stay connected with suitable candidates, just before hiring them; this will help to build a good relationship. You should know some things about the candidate and also assess the skill set of the candidate; you can decide well in advance, when to hire the candidate.

Now a question might arise how to acquire employees on contractual basis it can be done via outsourcing Recruitment Agency?. Adler Talent Solutions. Is best for providing contractual employees as they provide employees on the basis of requirements of a company’s profile and description. The best possible Manpower is what we will provide you with! S what are you waiting for just Contact Us

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